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Windowsupdaten osalta muut selaimet saataville EU-päätöksen perusteella

8.3 alkaen tulee voimaan EU:n päätös siitä että Microsoftin pitää tarjota IE-selaimen tilalle myös muita selaimia. Se tulee käyttöön Windowsupdaten kautta ja näyttää tältä:
Microsoft is to offer its European users the chance to use a Web browser other than its own.
The agreement with the European Commission ends a long-running dispute over the U.S. software giant’s dominant market position.
Microsoft says the screen will be offered as an automatic download through Windows Update for Windows XP, Windows Vista and its latest operating system, Windows 7.
The software update will be installed automatically, or will prompt users to download or install it, depending on which operating system is running and the settings for Windows Update.

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